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Register now for our 2021 Summer Youth Writing Camps



Open to students currently in grades 2-12


Week one: June 21-June 25th Monday-Thursday 9-3:00; Friday 9-noon.

Week two: June 28-July 2nd Monday-Thursday 9-3:00; Friday 9-noon.

Writers may choose the session that fits best with their summer plan or come for both!


Early bird registration through May 7th $225/week

After May 7th, $250/week


The SYWP is held at Resurrection Lutheran Academy, 6840 Nimtz Parkway, South Bend, Indiana.


Covid safety precautions:

As always, we prioritize the health and safety of our families and yours. All teachers have been vaccinated and we will meet or exceed CDC guidelines to ensure the safest possible conditions. Please contact Kathy with any questions or concerns. 


Register online & pay online or mail in check: Click here for registration form





Save the date for our 2021 Get Inked Teen Writing Conference: December 4th


"Get Inked Teen Writing Conference"



Thank you to our 2020 Get Inked Teen Writing Conference Presenters!




About the Guest Authors

Candace Fleming


 Candace Fleming

      Candace is the versatile and

acclaimed author of more than forty

books for children and young adults,

including the Los Angeles Times Book

Prize honored The Family Romanov:

Murder, Rebellion, and the Fall of the

Russian Empire; Boston Globe/Horn

 Book Award-winning biography, The

Lincolns; the bestselling picture book, 

Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!; the Sibert-Award-winning Giant Squid; and the    beloved Boxes for Katje. She contributed the chapter on Katharine of Aragon to Fatal Throne 

      Chris Crutcher  

 Chris Crutcher

     Crutcher has written thirteen novels and two collections of short stories including what he calls an ill-advised autobiography 

  titled King of the Mild Frontier, which was designated by “Publisher’s Weekly” as “the YA book most adults would have read if they knew it existed.” Five of Crutcher’s books also appeared on an American Library Association list of the 100 Best Books for Teens of the Twentieth Century (1999 to 2000).



Patrick Flores-Scott  

Patrick Flores-Scott

As a young man, Flores-Scott

struggled as a reader himself and

wanted to write a novel that his

students who also shared his difficulty

would enjoy. Adopting a style of short

paragraphs and chapters, his novels

not only become easier to read but

prove that there is more than one type

of successful author in the world.

Flores-Scott resides in Ann Arbor,

Michigan and had his first novel,

Jumped In, named in the 2014 YALSA

Best Fiction for Young Adults list. His

second novel, American Road Trip is

a 2019 Best Fiction for Young Adults


  Barbara Shoup  

Barbara Shoup

Shoup is the author of eight novels for adults and young adults, most recently An American Tune; Looking for Jack Kerouac; and a memoir, A Commotion in Your Heart. She is the the co-author of Novel Ideas: Contemporary Authors Share the Creative Process and Story Matters.

Her young adult novels, Wish You Were Here and Stranded in Harmony were selected as American Library Association Best Books for Young Adults.  Vermeer’s Daughter was a School Library Journal Best Adult Book for Young Adults.





Local writer, Kathy Higgs-Coulthard, believes that great stories start by asking WHAT IF? In her latest middle grade novel, Kathy asked ...


What if...  your dad came home with 43 chickens in the back of his truck? What would your friends think if your kitchen became a clucking, pecking, cock-a-doodle-dooing madhouse?


That's exactly what happened to middle-schooler Sami Duggan in this novel set in South Bend, Indiana.

Now available as an e-book (on Amazon for $3.99) or in print through CleanReadsAmazon, or Barnes & Noble.





 Previously Featured Authors:


 Emma Maginn ~ December 2010

Shimmy Lindow ~ January 2011

Erin Joines ~ March 2011

Michelle Kwak~Fall 2012

Oliver Kaufhold November 2012

Thatcher Boyd 2012

A.J. Sullivan ~ February 2013

Catherine Horvath ~ March 2013

Leah Hershberg ~ April 2013

Emily Smith ~ May 2013

Caleb Evans ~ August 2013


Rose Kavanagh ~ September 2013

Gabby Haywood ~ October 2013

Casey Marlin ~ January 2014

Sarala Lindow ~ February 2014

Gabby Szynski ~ May 2014

Mike Dowd ~ June 2014

Alex Lyon ~ July 2015

Brady Tuttle ~ August 2015

Larissa Evans ~ September 2015

Natalie Rarick ~ October 2015

Monica Thomason ~ March 2016

Evan Nayee ~ April 2016

Alanna Bertoncini~August 2016


Tori Brewer ~ September 2016

Grace Haywood ~ October 2016

Isaac Shrader ~ October 2017

Genevieve Coleman ~ January 2018

Ruth Wadzinski ~ July 2018

Lourdes Baltazar ~ August 2018

Jezel Guerrero ~ September 2018

Bridget Daugherty~ December 2018 

Wren Moriconi ~ September 2019 

Stella Chrystler ~ February 2020

John Thomason ~ March 2020

Gianna Ventura ~ May 2020

Summer COVID Writings 2020

Will Mikels-Carrasco ~ Fall 2020





We'd love to hear from you!

Contact Director, Kathy Higgs-Coulthard

via email michianawriterscenter@gmail.com

via phone (574) 220-8798

Find Kathy online at www.writewithkathy.com




Resurrection Lutheran Academy

with much appreciation for hosting our SYWP at their beautiful, state of the art facility since 2012.









Fall Workshops

& Classes

starting soon!


Like to write? Want to get better at it?

Sign up now, for our fun fall classes!


For Adults:

Prompt & Write (adults)
Instructors: Erica Vitale
Prop and Prompt...bring an item and we'll write a story around it
Saturday, October 15, 10:00-3:00
Firehouse Youth Center, rm 4
Cost: $30


Short Story Elements (adults)
Instructor: Erica Vitale
Come write a short story (or two). We’ll
provide prompt idea and highlight writing
strategies and elements of short stories.
Saturday, November 19, 10:00-3:00
Firehouse Youth Center, rm 4
Cost: $30


For Children & Teens
Imagination Explorers (grades 1-3)
Instructor: Mary Ann Moore
Hands-on activities to stimulate the
imagination of emerging writers.
Saturdays, 4:00-5:15 pm
10/29 Shivering Shadows
11/5 Choose Your Own Adventure
11/12 Book Whispers
11/19 To Grandmother’s House
Firehouse Youth Center, rm 6
Cost: $20 / session or $75 for all 4


Drawn to the Page (grades 4-8)
Instructor: Carrie Morton
Use art and illustrations to inspire your
Tuesdays, 6:15-7:30pm
10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25
Firehouse Youth Center, rm 6
Cost: $20 / session or $75 for all 4


Novel Writing Club (Teens)
Instructor: Kathy Higgs-Coulthard
Working on a novel? This workshop will
support you as you wrestle with character
development and plot design. Bring your
novel in progress or start one with us.
Once a month on Sunday, 4-6pm
November 13
December 11
January 15
February 12
March 11
Cost: $100 (that’s only $20/class!)

1st Place ~ " 


In my home resides the living embodiment of 

perfection, in his opinion at least. His thoughts of 

himself are not completely unwarranted, however. He has

evergreen eyes with splashes of bright lime. His 

dual-colored hair of both deepest ebony and palest dove 

white is sleek and cottony, like freshly spun silk 

strands waving in the breeze. He wears a stunning 

tuxedo. He holds an indifference to the other occupants of my home, his personality as fierce as a wolverine and majestic as a hawk. His voice is piercing and melodious, with a rainbow of emotion in just one sound, like a wind chime in a hot summers breeze. His tone is never louder than the bark of a dog, but always louder than the voice of whomever he is speaking to. His title is Buckie, and he wears it like a medal of honor. As he slinks through the house on his tiny paws he will continue to think the world of himself, and he well deserves to. He is truly, the perfect cat.


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